Was macht Uniqlo?
Kleidung ist neben Nahrung und einer Unterkunft eine der drei Grundvoraussetzungen des Lebens. Deshalb arbeitet UNIQLO stets daran, wirklich großartige Kleidung für alle Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu schaffen. Wir glauben daran, dass wir die Macht der Kleidung für etwas Gutes einsetzen können, indem wir qualitativ hochwertige, zeitlose Kleidung designen, herstellen und verkaufen, die den Bedürfnissen des täglichen Lebens gerecht wird. Diese Philosophie nennen wir LifeWear.
Auf lokaler Ebene engagieren wir uns in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Projekten und treten beispielsweise im Rahmen des „World Cleanup Day“ für ein sauberes Berlin ein. Seit 2017 konnten wir so gemeinsam mit mehr als 500 Mitarbeitern und Kunden viele schöne Orte der Stadt von Müll befreien. Darüber hinaus setzen wir uns, als Mitglied im Netzwerk "Alles im Fluss", für den Schutz der Berliner Gewässer und Ufer ein. Sei beim nächsten Mal dabei und hilf uns, Berlin ein bisschen sauberer zu machen!
Wie sind Sie auf die Aktivitäten von ALLES IM FLUSS aufmerksam geworden?
How did you become aware of the network/the activities?
»Since we opened our first store here in Berlin in 2014, we have always aimed to engage with the community and to have a positive impact on society at large. We are, for example, closely working together with Berliner Stadtmission and have realized several specifically social projects through this partnership. Our next step was of course, to extend this engagement to the environmental sector and we were lucky enough to contact Sebastian Weise who introduced us to the project from the beginning on.«
Gibt es in Ihrer Organisation bereits laufende oder geplante Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von Plastikmüll? Are there already ongoing or planned measures in your organization to reduce plastic waste?
»By the end of 2020 we plan to reduce the amount of single-use plastics handed to customers at our stores worldwide, such as shopping bags and product packaging, by 85%, or around 7,800 tons annually.
We are also working closely with our suppliers and partners in logistics to reduce plastics used during all stages of our supply chain, and always aim to only make what our customers want - clothing items that add value to their daily lives. Everything we design and make has a purpose, it is made for All, durable and essential over time – we do not make throw-away clothing.«
Welches konkrete Projekt zur Reduktion von Plastikmüll möchten Sie den ALLES IM FLUSS – Mitglieder*innen / Partner*innen vorstellen? Is there a concrete project aimed at the reduction of plastic waste, which you would like to present to the members?
»Together with our partner Toray, we have turned unused PET bottles into highly valuable fibers, whose features are commensurate to those of fibers from virgin plastic. From Spring/Summer 2020 UNIQLO will begin to introduce clothing items that incorporate these fibers.
We are also offering our customers re-usable shopping bags which are made out of recycled plastic and sustainable cotton. Through this, we are not only reducing the amount of plastic waste, but we are also encouraging our customers to save resources by reusing our durable shopping bag.«
Sehen Sie in diesem Projekt Ideen und Potentiale, die in das alltägliche Leben der Menschen übertragen werden können? In this project, are there any ideas or potentials that can be used to implement plastic reduction into people’s everyday lives?
»I think we should generally be more mindful with the resources we use, and carefully decide what to consume. Of course it takes initiative to bring about change and there is a journey ahead, but it helps a lot to set clear goals and then bring them to life in different ways. To stop using plastic bags might seem like a small step at first, but if it is combined with further engagement in other areas and if we can encourage a lot of people to participate – it can have a great impact.«
Welche Erfolge im Bereich der Reduzierung von Plastikmüll wünschen Sie sich für die Zukunft? Which changes would you like to see in regards to plastic reduction in the future?
»It is our goal to have a positive impact on the planet, and the reduction of plastics usage is definitely part of the solution. I would also like to see further advancements in plastic recycling, since it can be a valuable resource if used right, especially in a circular economy. Plastic reduction and pollution should be on the forefront of everyone’s minds, and it would be great if everybody could be made aware of the impact they can have. People should be encouraged to act, and given the tools to reduce, reuse or recycle plastics. Let’s change the world together!«